Burnt Tree Grange Monthly Meeting

October 23, 2023

6:00 p.m.

Burnt Tree Grange - 4709 Orange Rd., Radiant, VA

The Burnt Tree Grange will hold its monthly meeting on Monday, October 23rd at 6:00 pm. The Grange is located at 4709 Orange Rd., Radiant, VA.

Anthony Hill, spokesperson for the Boys and Girls Club of Madison, will be our featured speaker. He will present information regarding the formation and goals of the organization and how it has benefited many young people in our county. We will have our usual pot-luck meal prior to Anthony’s presentation and members are asked to bring a covered dish and/or dessert. Following the program, we will have a brief business meeting. Come and enjoy the food, fellowship, and interesting program. Guests are welcome to join us, and if you need more information, please contact Don Gerhart 540-672-4806 or Pauline Racer 540-948-4447.